117 research outputs found


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    This users manual introduces the basic ideas of the PGT - Path Generation Toolbox for Matlab. The main features of the toolbox is to givethe user the possibility to 1) build paths in Cartesian (3DOF) space, 2) transform the Cartesian paths into jointspace. All the most important functions are explained and examples of how to use them are also included

    Robusthetsanalys av byggnader med lÄng spÀnnvidd

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    Rapporten inleds med en litteraturstudie i vilken kunskap och fakta om Àmnena robusthet och progressiv kollaps inhÀmtas och redovisas. Med utgÄngspunkt frÄn denna studie anvÀnds sedan en matematisk metod, baserad pÄ brottsannolikhetsberÀkningar, föreslagen av P.H. Kirkegaard och J.D SÞrensen [19] för att utvÀrdera robustheten hos tvÄ byggnaders takkonstruktion. De tvÄ byggnaderna som utvÀrderas Àr en bandyarena i RÀttvik utförd i limtrÀ med en spÀnnvidd pÄ 75m samt en fotbollshall i Vara utförd med stÄlfackverksbalkar med spÀnnvidden pÄ 48,7m. Metoden som anvÀnds baseras pÄ anvÀndandet av tvÄ datorprogram, Ramanalys [A] samt COMREL [B]. Genom att modellera respektive takstol i Ramanalys [A] kan data erhÄllas för att göra brottsannolikhetsberÀkningar i COMREL [B]. De erhÄllna sannolikheterna ligger sedan till grund för utvÀrderandet av respektive taktstols robusthet. UtvÀrderingen av byggnadernas robusthet visar att sannolikheten för kollaps Àr betydande för bÄda takstolskonstruktionerna dÄ vissa kritiska delkomponenter i taktstolarna tas bort. Det Àr svÄrt att göra takstolarna robustare i sig varvid tvÄ förslag ges pÄ hur robustheten hos hela takkonstruktionen kan ökas genom kompletterande konstruktioner. De föreslagna lösningarna Àr ett vajersystem och ett system bestÄende av VKR-profiler. Dessa system har till uppgift att hindra en kollapsande takstol frÄn att falla ner och skada mÀnniskor och underliggande konstruktioner. Vajersystemet byggs endast med avsikten att minska konsekvenserna av en kollaps och har ingen ytterligare funktion i byggnaden, VKR-profilssystemet kan dÀremot Àven fungera som takÄsar

    James A. Martin

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    Den hÀr rapporten visar resultat frÄn simuleringar av en industrirobots rörelse. Banorna roboten följer Àr uppbyggda av linjer och cirkeldelar. Kring de punkter dÀr bandelarna möts, dvs i hörnen, lÀggs s.k. zoner. I dessa görs banan mjukare för att en referenshastighet ska kunna hÄllas. I kartesiska koordinater sker detta genom interpolering mellan bandelarna som bildar hörnet eller genom att zonbanan byggs upp av olika typer av splinefunktioner. I ett andra steg transformeras den kartesiska banan till en bana i motorvinkelkoordinater. I motorvinkelkoordinater byggs banan upp av kubiska splinefunktioner. Endast den geometriska delen av banplaneringsproblemet studeras hÀr, vilket innebÀr att inga tidsaspekter Àr medtagna. Vidare har ingen hÀnsyn tagits till robotens orientering

    Enriching a primary health care version of ICD-10 using SNOMED CT mapping

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In order to satisfy different needs, medical terminology systems must have richer structures. This study examines whether a Swedish primary health care version of the mono-hierarchical ICD-10 (KSH97-P) may obtain a richer structure using category and chapter mappings from KSH97-P to SNOMED CT and SNOMED CT's structure. Manually-built mappings from KSH97-P's categories and chapters to SNOMED CT's concepts are used as a starting point.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mappings are manually evaluated using computer-produced information and a small number of mappings are updated. A new and poly-hierarchical chapter division of KSH97-P's categories has been created using the category and chapter mappings and SNOMED CT's generic structure. In the new chapter division, most categories are included in their original chapters. A considerable number of concepts are included in other chapters than their original chapters. Most of these inclusions can be explained by ICD-10's design. KSH97-P's categories are also extended with attributes using the category mappings and SNOMED CT's defining attribute relationships. About three-fourths of all concepts receive an attribute of type <it>Finding site </it>and about half of all concepts receive an attribute of type <it>Associated morphology</it>. Other types of attributes are less common.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is possible to use mappings from KSH97-P to SNOMED CT and SNOMED CT's structure to enrich KSH97-P's mono-hierarchical structure with a poly-hierarchical chapter division and attributes of type <it>Finding site </it>and <it>Associated morphology</it>. The final mappings are available as additional files for this paper.</p

    Introducing Database-Centric Support in AUTOSAR

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    Abstract-We propose to integrate a real-time database management system into the basic software of the AUTOSAR component model. This integration can be performed without violating the fundamental principles of the component-based approach of AUTOSAR. Our database-centric approach allows developers to focus on application development instead of reinventing data management techniques or develop solutions using internal data structures. We use state-of-the-art database pointer techniques to achieve predictable timing, and database proxies to maintain component encapsulation and independence of data-management strategies. The paper illustrates the feasibility of our proposal when database proxies are used to manage the data communication between components and to perform run-time monitoring on the virtual function bus. Our implementation results show that the above benefits do not come at the expense of less accurate timing predictions while only introducing a total application CPU overhead, in the order of 4%

    Selenite induces apoptosis in sarcomatoid malignant mesothelioma cells through oxidative stress

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    Malignant mesothelioma cells differentiate into sarcomatoid or epithelioid phenotypes. The sarcomatoid cell type is more resistant to chemotherapy and yields a worse prognosis. We have investigated whether selenite alone and in combination with doxorubicin induced apoptosis in variously differentiated mesothelioma cells. Selenite in concentrations that could potentially be administered to patients strongly inhibited the growth of the sarcomatoid mesothelioma cells (IC 50 = 7.5 ”M), whereas epithelioid cells were more sensitive to doxorubicin. Benign mesothelial cells remained largely unaffected. Selenite potentiates doxorubicin treatment.. Apoptosis was the dominating mode of cell death. The toxicity of selenite was mediated by oxidative stress. Furthermore the activity of the thioredoxin system was directly dependent on the concentration of selenite. This offers a possible mechanism of action of selenite treatment. Our findings suggest that selenite is a promising new drug for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma.Cancer- och allergifondenSvenska lÀkaresÀllskapetHjÀrt-lungfondenAccepte

    Views of diagnosis distribution in primary care in 2.5 million encounters in Stockholm: a comparison between ICD-10 and SNOMED CT

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    Background Primary care (PC) in Sweden provides ambulatory and home health care outside hospitals. Within the County Council of Stockholm, coding of diagnoses in PC is mandatory and is done by general practitioners (GPs) using a Swedish primary care version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, version 10 (ICD-10). ICD-10 has amono-hierarchical structure. SNOMED CT is poly-hierarchical and belongs to a new generation of terminology systems with attributes (characteristics) that connect concepts in SNOMED CT and build relationships. Mapping terminologies and classifications has been pointed out as a way to attain additional advantages in describing and documenting healthcare data. A poly-hierarchical system supports the representation and aggregation of healthcare data on the basis of specific medical aspects and various levels of clinical detail. Objective To describe and compare diagnoses and health problems in KSH97-P/ICD-10 and SNOMED CT using primary care diagnostic data, and to explore and exemplify complementary aggregations of diagnoses and health problems generated from a mapping to SNOMED CT. Methods We used diagnostic data collected throughout 2006 and coded in electronic patient records (EPRs), and a mapping from KSH97-P/ ICD-10 to SNOMED CT, to aggregate the diagnostic data with SNOMED CT defining hierarchical relationship Is a and selected attribute relationships. Results The chapter level comparison between ICD-10 and SNOMED CT showed minor differences except for infectious and digestive system disorders. The relationships chosen aggregated the diagnostic data to 2861 concepts, showing a multidimensional view on different medical and specific levels and also including clinically relevant characteristics through attribute relationships. Conclusions SNOMED CT provides a different view of diagnoses and health problems on a chapter level, and adds significant new views of the clinical data with aggregations generated fromSNOMED CT Is a and attribute relationships. A broader use of SNOMED CT is therefore of importance when describing and developing primary care

    Western diet enhances intestinal tumorigenesis in Min/ plus mice, associating with mucosal metabolic and inflammatory stress and loss of Apc heterozygosity

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    Western-type diet (WD) is a risk factor for colorectal cancer, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We investigated the interaction of WD and heterozygous mutation in the Apc gene on adenoma formation and metabolic and immunological changes in the histologically normal intestinal mucosa of Apc(Min/+) (Min/ +) mice. The diet used was high in saturated fat and low in calcium, vitamin D, fiber and folate. The number of adenomas was twofold higher in the WD mice compared to controls, but adenoma size, proliferation or apoptosis did not differ. The ratio of the MM to wild-type allele was higher in the WD mice, indicating accelerated loss of Apc heterozygosity (LOH). Densities of intraepithelial CD3 epsilon(+) T lymphocytes and of mucosal FoxP3(+) regulatory T cells were higher in the WD mice, implying inflammatory changes. Western blot analyses from the mucosa of the WD mice showed suppressed activation of the ERK and AKT pathways and a tendency for reduced activation of the mTOR pathway as measured in phosphoS6/S6 levels. The expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 was up-regulated in both mRNA and protein levels. Gene expression analyses showed changes in oxidation/reduction, fatty acid and monosaccharide metabolic pathways, tissue organization, cell fate and regulation of apoptosis. Together, our results suggest that the high-risk Western diet primes the intestine to tumorigenesis through synergistic effects in energy metabolism, inflammation and oxidative stress, which culminate in the acceleration of LOH of the Apc gene. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Exit of pediatric pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells from the bone marrow to the peripheral blood is not associated with cell maturation or alterations in gene expression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a bone marrow (BM) derived disease, which often disseminates out of the BM cavity, where malignant cells to a variable degree can be found circulating in the peripheral blood (PB). Normal pre-B cells are absolutely dependent on BM stroma for survival and differentiation. It is not known whether transformed pre-B ALL cells retain any of this dependence, which possibly could impact on drug sensitivity or MRD measurements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pre-B ALL cells, highly purified by a novel method using surface expression of CD19 and immunoglobulin light chains, from BM and PB show a very high degree of similarity in gene expression patterns, with differential expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as a notable exception. In addition, the cell sorting procedure revealed that in 2 out of five investigated patients, a significant fraction of the malignant cells had matured beyond the pre-B cell stage.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The transition of ALL cells from the BM into the circulation does not demand, or result in, major changes of gene expression pattern. This might indicate an independence of BM stroma on the part of transformed pre-B cells, which contrasts with that of their normal counterparts.</p

    Nanoscopic and Photonic Ultrastructural Characterization of Two Distinct Insulin Amyloid States

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    Two different conformational isoforms or amyloid strains of insulin with different cytotoxic capacity have been described previously. Herein these filamentous and fibrillar amyloid states of insulin were investigated using biophysical and spectroscopic techniques in combination with luminescent conjugated oligothiophenes (LCO). This new class of fluorescent probes has a well defined molecular structure with a distinct number of thiophene units that can adopt different dihedral angles depending on its binding site to an amyloid structure. Based on data from surface charge, hydrophobicity, fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging, along with atomic force microscopy (AFM), we deduce the ultrastructure and fluorescent properties of LCO stained insulin fibrils and filaments. Combined total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) and AFM revealed rigid linear fibrous assemblies of fibrils whereas filaments showed a short curvilinear morphology which assemble into cloudy deposits. All studied LCOs bound to the filaments afforded more blue-shifted excitation and emission spectra in contrast to those corresponding to the fibril indicating a different LCO binding site, which was also supported by less efficient hydrophobic probe binding. Taken together, the multi-tool approach used here indicates the power of ultrastructure identification applying AFM together with LCO fluorescence interrogation, including TIRFM, to resolve structural differences between amyloid states
